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La Chapelle Sixtine de Michel-Ange - L'exposition

Jusqu'au 12 octobre, le Palais des Congrès de Montréal honore Michel-Ange et son oeuvre la plus connue : le plafond de la Chapelle Sixtine. Cette exposition est une première mondiale !
Les peintures du plafond de la célèbre chapelle du Vatican ont été reproduites en photographies, ce qui nous permet de les admirer de très très près. Une trentaine de "toiles" immenses sont exposées à la verticale ou à l'horizontale, et sont expliquées avec un audioguide très complet.
La fresque "la création d'Adam" est bien sûr celle que nous attendions de voir avec impatience.
D'autres scènes mythiques de la Bible sont aussi reproduites comme l'ivresse de Noé, le Déluge, la création d'Ève ou encore David contre Goliath.
 Et enfin, le Jugement Dernier : grandiose !
L'exposition est vraiment superbe car on peut prendre son temps (contrairement à dans la véritable chapelle) et admirer de près le talent de Michel-Ange. L'audioguide est très riche et permet de comprendre notamment le message qu'a souhaité faire passer l'artiste. Toutefois, l'espace est loin de conférer la solennité d'un lieu de culte, et ce, malgré la musique liturgique.
Source :

Quelques produits dérivés sont à vendre à la sortie, dont ces originales suces.

Palais des Congrès, espace 1001
Droit d'entrée : 18$/adulte - 12$/les 13-18 ans

By Frank ;-)

* Article fait suite à une invitation médias mais tous les avis nous sont propres.


  1. This exhibit is an example of how a technically good idea - to make works of art accessible to larger audiences - has turned out into a total failure.
    First: the producer lied from the start creating fake quotes and endorsement from a German professor who does not exist.
    Then Martin Biallas stated that the measures of the photos are the same as the originals “to the inch” and “we did not change anything”. There is ample evidence now that none of the photo has the same size as the originals in the Vatican. Some reproductions have been enlarged by a factor of 1:3, the Last Judgement is smaller than the original by one quarter. By enlarging the photos, the brush strokes have been enlarged so that it looks as Michelangelo had painted with a broom, not with a brush.
    More lies: “all the photos are after the restoration”, not true: a large number of photos are dark and before the restoration.
    Lies about the provenience of the photos: 2/3 of the photos are from the Archives of Erich Lessing, but were not taken by Erich Lessing, the provenience of the rest is unknown.
    Moreover some photos have been photoshopped and frames have been included which Michelangelo never painted.
    This exhibit has been put together in a hurry and without any fine art expert support or know-how ... and it shows.
    In addition the exhibit is run in such an amateurish way which casts a doubt whether the producer has ever produced anything by himself.
    The audio guides do not work, pieces of paper with the photos descriptions are taped to the metal frames. The prices in the shop are handwritten, the Vita of Michelangelo is glued to a yellow bed sheet badly folded. School projects are more professional than this exhibit.
    The exhibit social media has been childish and ignorant. The PR has been deceitful and arrogant with statements such as: "Rome move over, Montreal is coming", or "not even the Popes have seen it so close".
    This is a deceptive and deceitful exhibit, put together quickly to make a quick buck and with no knowledge of the subject matter nor any respect for the visitors who are expected to pay over 20$ to see it.
    It is a failure because the world of art and the world of exhibitions are not for everybody and definitely not for amateurs, it is a failure because it has been criticized by some but mostly ignored by the majority of fine art experts and representatives of the Church.
    It is a failure because it has not passed the mother of all the tests: the acceptance of the people of Montreal. Biallas announced his expectations to have 100'000 visitors, anyone who has visited the exhibit - like me - has counted only few visitors who ventured into seeing it.

  2. Wow love this blog and this is a magnificent show. People must see it while it is on! For the cost of 2 beers and some cheap bar food, this experience will be far more enriching and long lasting :D


  3. Indeed, most of what you say must be right but I think that the target of this exhibition is more general public than art experts.

  4. This is a wonderful exhibit. I found it courtesy of a blog I write for in technology and I went to it this week! I studied fine art and history I have been to the sistine chapel. What a brillianr production to be able to finally see the work so close...

    :( Ajari

  5. The show producer Biallas declares:

    ... The culmination of the tour is the monumental painting of the “Last Judgment,” which you can find at the end of the exhibition room. 
    We hereby invite you to plunge into the universe of Michelangelo. 

    --- What a joke, Michelangelo never painted somethink like “that“.
    Mr. Biallas, the producer of Hollywood Sistine Chapel show, Montreal says: 
    ...the size is the same “to the inch”. 
    He probably was never in the Vatican because some of the scenes in the exhibit in Montreal are THREE TIMES bigger than the original.
    Last Judgement scene in Montreal is less than 1/6 of the Original in Rom. 
    He had other scenes photoshopped in a way Michelangelo never painted. 
    Biallas declares: ..The fresco reproductions have been created through images taken right after restorations 20 years ago and are fully licensed by world-renowned photographer Erich Lessing. But he shows almost half of the photos very dirty and dark (uncleaned, before restoration).
    Also, everyone with some background knows, that Erich Lessing never made that photos - his Lessing Archive just distributes some Sistine Chapel ceiling photos, only taken by Nippon TV before, while and after the restoration.
    All Biallas statements are false and the show is a fake.
Like the false statement about the "art historian Prof. Astrid Blasberg". He declared and his attorney wrote that she is involved in that project. Like it was stated at the first versions of press release and also written at the show web-site at the beginning.
    But, Astrid Blasberg gave a written statement, that she is no Art historian, no Professor in Berlin University, and had never any relationship to this whole "project".
Who does Biallas think he is fooling?
    This is a Hollywood scam without any art or religious team of experts!

    Here are some further facts, to build up your own opinion.
    Thanks for sharing:

  6. I have seen the exhibit and, as an art expert, a number of statements from Mr. Biallas trouble me.
    1. “This is how the paintings look. We didn’t change anything.”
    The reproductions in Montreal have been clearly and massively photoshopped, some reduced in size, others enlarged on a scale 1:3, others cut and frames have been photoshopped around the cut scenes, in a way Michelangelo never painted them. Scenes have been cut to fit the scaffold frame so that the original meaning of the scene is completely lost (see: “The Brazen Serpent”.)
    The reproductions are not even close to the original size, not “to the inch” as Mr. Biallas stated, the differences amounting to around 10ft between the reproductions and the originals. One of the consequences being that the ductus and the brush strokes of Michelangelo frescos (not “paintings”) have been enlarged accordingly, and they look now much thicker than the original.
    2. “The book was filled with images by Austrian photographer Erich Lessing”. It is common knowledge among Michelangelo experts that Mr. Lessing did not take the photos of the Sistine Chapel after the restoration; Erich Lessing Archives are the distributor of some of the photos taken by Nippon TV.
    3. “This is between us and the art historians who worked on this with us.”, There is an international community of Renaissance experts who tried to contact the exhibition "art historian", but so far the one mentioned in the press releases declared that she had nothing to do with the project. We would be really grateful if we could contact at least one of the experts who worked with your team.
    Now legitimate questions arise:
    - why so many untrue statements on points which are of common knowledge among experts?
    - why promote this show as the real thing “to the inch” whereby it is clearly not true?
    The logic answer is: because the target groups of this show are the people who can’t afford to fly to Rome and have not a fine art background, and these people are maybe easily fooled into buying a ticket to a show with the Hollywood promise that they will see the real thing whereby they will not.
    I personally find this is a sad example of how Greed overcomes any respect for art and religion; and I strongly hope that now I won’t get a threat email from one of Mr. Biallas 25 attorneys for writing this.

  7. This exhibit is a scam to fool people into believing they will see the real thing "to the inch":
    The reality is that visitors - like me - will see reproductions which:
    - are NOT the same size,
    - are NOT the same colours,
    - are NOT after the renovation,
    - are NOT like Michelangelo painted them,
    - are NOT photos made by Erich Lessing.

    If this were not enough, there is a visible lack of curatorial effort, a total lack of fine art know how, a total lack of knowledge about Michelangelo and the context of the Musei Vaticani, an improvised exhibit operation management and a juvenile social media.
    No wonder visitors are scarce and they prefer BY FAR the Rodin exhibit!


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